Potato Creek Summer Spud Run, August 2023

We too advantage of the electric sites and nice bath house at one of our favorite parks to put on a 3 Day CMO ride at lovely Potato Creek State park the first weekend in August. A grand total of 50 riders – 40 adults and 10 junior riders – participated over the three days. Dave and Marti Caldwell, with daughter, Sara Dick handled the ride manager duties. There were long and short course rides all 3 days. Friday’s long course had 4 entries with the Keep Calm Ride On team of Stacey and Anthony Mason, Beth Jerman and Ryan Kissel taking first, individual riders Bonny Eck (MI) in 2nd, Pam Martin in 3rd and Christina Sepiol in 4th.
The short course ride also had 4 teams competing and first were Gypsy Travelers Svenja Chesna and Danielle Popovich, followed by The Breadmakers, Barb and Ed Brettnacher in 2nd, Becky and Dustin Burris in 3rd and Weekend Wranglers, Linda Gunter, Kaylie Volk and Audrey Overton in 4th.
On Saturday 7 long course teams with 16 riders and 2 short course teams with 4 riders saddled up. Keep Calm, Ride On Stacey, Anthony and Beth again triumphed followed by Pam Martin mentoring two newbies, Jana Ingle and Audrey Blair. 3rd was our MI friend, Bonny, 4th were the Weekend Wranglers Linda, Kaylie, and Audrey. The Breadmakers, Barb and Ed were 5th and 6th were Tuckered Out, Tom and Karen Tucker. Becky and Dustin Burris missed one plate to finish out the field. The short course featured individual Christina in first with Debra Rubel mentoring Melissa and Colton Dalton in 2nd. All the riders got in before the rains came, and Dave had gone out to pick up some of the plates before our pot luck dinner – that we had gotten all set up under Sara and Larry’s big canopy. In the pouring rain, at 5:30, who should appear, ready to ride, but Svenja Chesna and Danielle Popovich, on their horses in rain gear! Since the plates were not all there anymore, they couldn’t compete, but graciously went out to pick up some of the rest.
Sunday turned out to be much more challenging than we had anticipated. 4 teams rode the long course with Bonny Eck taking first in an impressibe1:30. 2nd were Keep Calm ,Ride On Stacey, Anthony, Beth and Becky in 2:13 followed by Pam Martin and Jen Martin in 2:34 for 3rd and Christina riding solo with 9 plates. The short course had 3 teams, Debra Rubel in first, Weekend Wranglers 2nd and Barb and Ed third,.
Dave, Sara and I had a grand time setting this up and hope to not make everyone nuts on Sunday again!!!

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